We value your support.
Reporting Scams is a platform where users can anonymously post about their experiences with individuals and businesses they believe have scammed them. The goal is to educate others about potential scams and frauds. The service has helped save consumers thousands of dollars through warnings or by forcing the responsible party to resolve the situation.
If you have benefited from our help or find our platform useful, kindly consider supporting us with a donation that you are comfortable with. Any amount, whether it be $1 or $1000, can make a difference and help us.
Donations are always appreciated, but if you would like to support us in other ways beyond financial contributions, please reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know how you can help.
Reporting Scams Staff
Donations are always appreciated, but if you would like to support us in other ways beyond financial contributions, please reach out to us at [email protected] and let us know how you can help.
Reporting Scams Staff