Sylvain Reyes stole my money and ran away
Sylvain Reyes dba Trinoc Investments is nothing more than an Ecuadorian con artist who occasionally travels to the United States to swindle American real estate clients. He is as lazy and immature as he is dishonest. He claims to be an expert in real estate matters while having little formal education. He ought to be locked up. Never give him money out front. He cannot be relied upon. He is currently the focus of many civil and criminal investigations. He essentially functions as a well-dressed beggar who gets by by solely dealing with immigrants who don’t understand English. They are unaware of his fundamental dishonesty.
- Trinoc Investments Corporation; Sylvain Reyes
- 7149864792
- 3400 S Main St Apt I8, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Santa Ana, United States
Why the Submitter Profile is Anonymous?
“Anonymous” means that the person who submitted the complaint wishes to remain unidentified. It is important to note that the anonymous status of a complaint does not indicate that the information provided is not truthful. The submitter may be whistleblowers or current or former employees who do not want to be identified to avoid any potential retaliation.