Stay away from con artist Jeff Battistoni
Avoid Jeff Battistoni at all costs. Jeff is nothing but a con artist. We hired Jeff’s former business—which he initially claimed to be the owner of, despite the fact that he is not—to do an addition on our home. He needed about two months to get the permits. Work started, and things went well from there. Things began to go wrong once the extension was framed and roofed. Jeff kept coming up with justifications as to why things weren’t getting done and why supplies weren’t ordered. We discovered that he was fabricating both the claims he made about his subcontractors and supply chain problems. The project was meant to be finished in three months, but Jeff informed us that he could not finish it since the funding had run out. Where the money went was the subject of yet another justification, but he claimed to be working on getting a loan to complete the job. My home has been abandoned after two months of further justifications and no loan, despite their still being between $50,000 and $60,000 worth of work to be done, for which Jeff was previously paid. Even worse, I’ve had several visits from subcontractors who worked on my house complaining that cheques they got from Jeff had bounced. I am aware that the subcontractors are currently owing a total of more than $36,000. He denies any culpability for any of this, and a thorough search of his name and phone number indicates that this isn’t just something he’s done to us. It’s time to put a permanent end to this fake, liar, and robber.
- Jeff Battistoni
- 708-937-5263
- 21338 Longview Dr Frankfort, Il United States
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“Anonymous” means that the person who submitted the complaint wishes to remain unidentified. It is important to note that the anonymous status of a complaint does not indicate that the information provided is not truthful. The submitter may be whistleblowers or current or former employees who do not want to be identified to avoid any potential retaliation.