Sheldon Cuffy scammed me of $19,832
Sheldon Cuffy is a seasoned con artist who excels at playing the con game. Although he hides his true nature, he would want to think of himself as a respectable good guy. He easily persuades his victims with his smooth speech, which is supported by numerous false proofs of property ownership. He is a serial liar who is expert at disguising his deceptions. He had a cunning way of changing the subject of a discussion when caught in a falsehood. I got in touch with him after responding to one of his alluring Craigslist ads seeking a joint venture partner. He requested that we meet at 19 Phelps Avenue in Tenafly, New Jersey, one of his fictitious offices. Later than 7 o’clock. When we first met, he showed me a tonne of documents that claimed he was a trucking company owner, investor, and realtor. He demonstrated some apps for me. He was asking the federal government for a four million dollar grant for his trucking company just to get my trust and get me to sign the joint venture/partnership agreement. I signed the contract, and before I knew it, he was already applying for bank loans and company credit cards using my information unlawfully. Without my permission, he applied for and received a $15,000 Capital One credit card on behalf of one of his fictitious businesses, JOPAHO LLC in Miami, Florida. I never received any cards, and I have no idea who delivered them. When I learned of his questionable behaviour using my information, I became enraged. He was successful in persuading and even manipulating me into activating the card. I was not aware of it at the time, but he obtained a second loan from Valley National Bank for $2,000, which I later learned. His remarks and promises began to have discrepancies; they did not line up. I started to suspect him as a liar and desisted from cooperating or doing what he would instruct me to do. He told me several times that he had paid up the bank loan and was making payment on the credit card he got on my name, all was a big lie. The unpaid credit card accrued late charges and interest of about $3,000 and has now been placed on my credit record messing up my good credit rating, dragging it down from 795 to 647 scores. Up to the last minute, his fake perpetual promises to repay these loans are futile. He once texted me to say that the money he was expecting had arrived and that he would pay off his credit card and loans the next day, but that was a massive lie. He thereafter made a false claim that he was selling certain properties wholesale and would receive an additional $500,000 to pay the loans. I now had to borrow money from friends and family to pay for things I neither applied for nor even saw in order to stop Capital One from charging off my account, which would have left a negative report on my credit record that would have lasted for 7 years.
Why the Submitter Profile is Anonymous?
“Anonymous” means that the person who submitted the complaint wishes to remain unidentified. It is important to note that the anonymous status of a complaint does not indicate that the information provided is not truthful. The submitter may be whistleblowers or current or former employees who do not want to be identified to avoid any potential retaliation.