Randi Kricke stole my retirement money!
Randi visited me at home and gave me information on a Texas equity fund. I was shown reports on the profits and the future of oil and natural gas. My whole retirement savings are invested. I am dependent on a pain pump that delivers Oxycontin directly to my spine. It goes without saying that spending my entire retirement savings on a financial decision was a mistake on my behalf. Randi Kricki should have left when I explained my condition to him, but instead, he sold me a Ponzi scheme involving oil and natural gas in Texas. showed me a wise investment with an 8% return. Needless to say, after a few years, the payouts ceased, and my money is now stuck. My wife and I have never heard from Randi. Randi could have paid us back with all the money he has, but he is a wolf in sheep’s skin. Thanks Randi, we’re below the poverty line now!
- Randi Kricke
- 7272997881
- 4651 Sandpointe Dr New Port Richey, FL United States
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“Anonymous” means that the person who submitted the complaint wishes to remain unidentified. It is important to note that the anonymous status of a complaint does not indicate that the information provided is not truthful. The submitter may be whistleblowers or current or former employees who do not want to be identified to avoid any potential retaliation.