I got scammed and a lot of people too.
I wanted to buy software products from gh00st4, the owner of cheater.net,
I paid, but he didn’t give me anything, he wanted to make an exchange of money with me,
I wanted money so bad I fell for his trick, and he now owes me 320 dollar, 280 from the exchange and 40 from the software products that he didn’t give, he is saying as you can see in the captures that he needs money to buy a new iPhone, that’s why he didn’t pay me, but when he got more money, he made me wait for no reason and was saying a lot of excuses like he needs to pray, or he is outside he can’t do it,
I have a lot of proof of him scamming other people, as you can see from my others captures. I’m sorry if I’m not clear about something, English isn’t my first language.
- gh00sty4
- 325
- https://cheater.net/
- Albanian
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