Ecom Testvérek Course is useless. Ecomm Bothers are Con Artist
Beware of these self-proclaimed e-commerce brothers who peddle dreams of financial freedom, the ability to work from anywhere, and a life of luxury, all hinging on a single life-altering decision: venturing into e-commerce dropshipping. In reality, these so-called gurus are nothing more than cunning con artists using social media and paid ads to sell overpriced courses. Their wealth doesn’t stem from successful e-commerce ventures but rather from duping unsuspecting individuals into buying their courses. A common sense is that if they are really earning so much, they would not bothered to sell courses.
Don’t be captivated by their flashy Bali pictures, videos, or showcases of rented apartments and assets on social media. They portray these as if they were the fruits of their dropshipping business, but the truth is far from it. As someone who fell into their trap, I can attest that their courses offer nothing substantial; the content consists of generic steps readily available online without any charge.
Ecom Testvérek is a complete waste of time and money. Avoid it at all costs and protect your hard-earned money from these fraudsters.
- Ecom Testvérek
- 17000
- NA
- [email protected]
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“Anonymous” means that the person who submitted the complaint wishes to remain unidentified. It is important to note that the anonymous status of a complaint does not indicate that the information provided is not truthful. The submitter may be whistleblowers or current or former employees who do not want to be identified to avoid any potential retaliation.