Dave Sayers Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes Lottery scam
I got a call from a man who identified himself as Dave Sayers, Publisher’s Clearinghouse Lottery Prize Director. He inquired as to my participation in their sweepstakes, which I have. He claims that Steadfast Life Promotion, who sponsored me, gave me a prize package that included 4.5 million dollars, a Ford Raptor, and $4,000 a week for the rest of my life. He instructed me to record all of this information. He gave me a cheque and a confirmation number. he promised to meet with us in person within 48 hours. Because I will need to pay taxes on my money and car, he will put me in touch with an IRS personal tax specialist. He then stated that I would need to obtain an American Express or Money Pak card, load it with $500, and have it prepared when we meet in the upcoming 48 hours. When I get the card, he told me to call him back. He had an odd accent when he spoke. He claimed to be from Alabama but to be in New York. According to my caller ID, the caller is from Jamaica. It was a US phone number. He was quite charming and claimed they would be delivering an automobile and money with balloons and taking pictures, etc. He appeared very credible about the winnings, asking if I wanted this to be kept private or announced on TV. It wasn’t until he asked for the money to be put on prepaid card that I realized this was a scam.
- Dave Sayers Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes and Lottery
- 876-205-3139
- Jamaica United States
Why the Submitter Profile is Anonymous?
“Anonymous” means that the person who submitted the complaint wishes to remain unidentified. It is important to note that the anonymous status of a complaint does not indicate that the information provided is not truthful. The submitter may be whistleblowers or current or former employees who do not want to be identified to avoid any potential retaliation.