Darren Young Wedgewood Inc Scam Artist, Fake Property Manager
Immediately trespass him if you spot him on your land, especially if he claims to have bought it or one of your neighbours’ properties.
Darren Young, who works as a “property manager” for Wedgewood Inc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/darren-y-008a16201), has often been recorded spying around and invading private residences in Nevada.
He was arrested and confronted, but at first he remained silent about who he really was. He says he purchases old or sick people’s foreclosed homes, poses as the new owner who just bought them, and then requests access to steal from and further scam the residents.
The company Wedgewood Inc. is infamous for being used as a backend to receive or process mortgage defaults from intermediary companies that bought loans out from under the owner on the last month and created a new payment system purposefully kept secret so the owner’s final payment would not reach the new payment system, resulting in a default.
You can read more about Wedgewood Inc’s scams here:
Back to Darren
He frequently brings a bodyguard, which he describes as a “assistant or contractor.” He has a history of trespassing on people’s land and requesting access to their neighbours’ properties. Don’t give him your information!
Even worse, in order to defame the owners, visitors, and employees, he fabricates false accusations of assault, lies to the police, false flags, and other slanderous and defamatory statements.
This con artist, who works with Wedgewood Inc., frequently takes advantage of the elderly, disabled, and others while actually having no credentials or good acts to his name.
They have even been known to attempt to con recording offices by presenting fake paperwork from his own intermediary companies that purchased the loan together with their final payment in order to obtain counterfeit or illegal deeds. These “deeds” are fraudulent since they were either faked or obtained illegally.
With this technique, he has deceived authorities, law enforcement, and even numerous investigating agencies.
Don’t fall for his schemes acting as a “new owner” if you see this individual or anyone connected to him, including his “contractor,” Wedgewood Inc. Instead, refuse to let him inside, trespass immediately, and call the police if he won’t leave.
- Darren Young
- 7022839260
- https://www.wedgewood-inc.com/
- 2320 Potasi Street, 130 Las Vegas, Nevada United States
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