Colin Yucisin and Opulent Supply Inc Fraud
Similar to other reviews you will find on this website I have also been scammed out of $60k by the pair. Colin Yucisin who false advertises and misleads the population with his following to believe that he knows business. Trusting this facade I invested in opening up an Amazon and Facebook store for $50k.
During the first couple of months during “setup” I was optimistic on the store front and growing the applications for products. After month two, we had both my facebook and amazon stores shut down for their violation of both websites rules on dropshipping. They had knowingly committed fraud from the start and I asked for a refund but they denied so I had to trek on with them to see if I could get any of my investment back. Failure after failure It came time to start pushing back and they said they could open a Walmart store to hopefully get some of the debt back. After three suspensions $10k more in debt and a finally terminated store it’s safe to say that this is a scam. Unfortunately, I am not going to be paying more as part of a litigation as they completely stopped responding to me and Colin Yurcisin deleted his website advertising this.
My advice, stay away from anything Colin Yurcisin puts his name on. He is selling anything and everything to make a quick buck and I know 10+ other indidivudals in the same boat that would back this statement. Please be weary.
- Opulent Supply Inc/ Colin Yurcisin
- 60000
- [email protected]; [email protected]
- NJ; Miami, FL
Why the Submitter Profile is Anonymous?
“Anonymous” means that the person who submitted the complaint wishes to remain unidentified. It is important to note that the anonymous status of a complaint does not indicate that the information provided is not truthful. The submitter may be whistleblowers or current or former employees who do not want to be identified to avoid any potential retaliation.
He’s an influencer marketer. Be careful and do your due diligence on the actual financials. Stop listening to instagram influencers. Real world does not work like this.
He did the same thing to me. He is a fraud